Mommy Choices: Weighing Your First Parenting Decisions

Mommy Choices: Weighing Your First Parenting Decisions

Should we room-in with the baby right away or rest for the sleepless nights ahead? Should we calm our baby with a pacifier and burden ourselves with having to wean her from it later on?

Ultimately, it’s your choice – but here are some tips to help you weigh your decisions;

Should my baby room-in at the hospital?

FACT: Rooming-in establishes early bonding between you and your baby as well as improves your milk supply. However, if you are recovering from c-section it could be difficult for you and you might need some rest after the surgery.

DOCTOR’S ADVICE: Room-in if you can. It would be beneficial for you and your baby. But you have to limit your visitors to protect your privacy and your baby’s health.

Should I feed on schedule or by demand?

FACT: Experts have long-preferred feeding on cue, since following a feeding schedule bears the risk of over-feeding, dehydration or insufficient nutrition. Most babies feed at two or three hour intervals for a total of 8-12 feedings a day. Breastfeed babies may feed more since breast milk is easier to digest than formula.

DOCTOR’S ADVICE: Demand feeding is best. Instead of keeping on checking the time, follow your baby’s cue. Further, this doesn’t interrupt your baby’s sleep as well as prevent obesity.

Should I use cloth or disposal diaper?

FACT: The choice is depending upon a few factors such as convenience, economy and comfort. Over the years, disposal diapers have been improved well with style and excellent fit. Same with cloth diapers. However they can be quite expensive. On the other hand, if you want to save on your cloth or disposal diaper purchases, make sure to compare diaper prices online.

DOCTOR’S ADVICE: If you can afford both, go for it. Nevertheless, choose disposable if you are planning to travel with your infant.

Where should the baby sleep?

FACT: Co-sleeping is more convenient for breastfeeding mom especially in the early weeks. But some parents avoid this with the fear of being prone to the danger of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

DOCTOR’S ADVICE: Let them sleep in a safe and comfortable crib. It develops a good sleeping habit as well as trains them to become not too dependent when being put to sleep.

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