
My Experiences at the ZEE Jaipur Literature Festival 2015

Literature festivals are full of accomplished, acclaimed and awarded people, some eccentric beyond our wildest imagination and some gracefully grounded. Their intensity and grade of intellect makes them win our approval without hesitation. There were intensive sessions for 12 hours each day and yet we did not seem to have enough. Some sessions we sat cross legged on cold stone floor in Rajasthan cold weather, with pleasure, when no chairs were available. Diggi palace, the venue for the Fair, had six places where six sessions would continue simultaneously like the Front lawns, Baithak, Samvad, Mughal court, Darbar Hall. It was a literary interactive conference quite like and yet unlike Mumbai Lit Live or Bookaro festival at Delhi. 

They say that Medical Education and Training is amongst the toughest of all
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The OPD Chronicles

They say that Medical Education and Training is amongst the toughest of all. Books heavier than your heads may be common with other streams too, but not everyone gets the lovely chance to dissect and appreciate the beautiful details of the divine creation-the human body. Here is an account of a routine clinical posting session.

life is short

Life Is Short

This article is to all those students who have been trying to get admissions in good colleges but unfortunately due to some reasons could not do so. In this article I am talking about what all things I am going through and how tough it is to face this situation.

A Painting of William Shakespeare

Will Power

“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door”-Milton Berle We often hear from our elders, that opportunity knocks only once. But I think when you see an opportunity passing by; you could make an effort and grab it rather than waiting to let it knock on your door. A mail came on 15th April from Professor…